Look and feel sexy IN and OUT of your clothes.
You won’t spend time thinking “I have nothing to wear” because you can’t fit that dress or those jeans you wore last year. You will look in your closet and just think “what would I like to wear today?” - and that’s a beautiful thought to think.
Getting fit for life is more than just looking and feeling good naked. It’s looking and feeling good in the clothes you wear too. It’s letting go of all the drama about what to wear, if it fits, and how it looks - because it's all good.

Look Good Naked
in 10 Minutes a Day
Enter your email address to get my free planner sheet and learn what you can do in just 10 minutes a day to help you reach your body goals.
Are you hiding your body?
I spent years hiding my stomach. When I gained the weight, I stopped tucking in shirts. I wore super long shirts on the outside or dresses that could “hide” my stomach. ⠀
So much of what I thought about my body revolved around whether or not my stomach looked fat in an outfit. Let’s not even talk about what it looked like, naked in the mirror. ⠀
I didn’t realize it then, but all that hiding was making it worse. ⠀
I started changing the colors I would wear until my wardrobe was almost all solid black. I hated wearing white. ⠀
I started buying clothes 2 sizes up to make sure I had space around my belly. I grew into them and they eventually were too small. ⠀
I hated wearing suits to work until I found some with the dreaded elastic waistbands. Then I hated that I had to wear elastic waistbands. ⠀
I blamed everything else for how I was feeling and looking. ⠀
My clothes got the most blame for making me look fat. ⠀
When I started my journey, my first goal was to be able to look at my belly and not cringe. ⠀
I spent a lot of times in the mirror learning to appreciate the body I had, even as I worked towards the body I wanted. ⠀
Now I look in the mirror and love everything that I see, even as I work to get better. ⠀
Now I can show my stomach – after a workout, after a meal, after a vacation. ⠀
If you’re tired of hiding from yourself and others, I can help. ⠀
Experience how confident you feel when you don't have to hide anymore.
Your goal weight is whatever weight and body shape where you feel damn sexy, super confident and hot! Forget what anyone else says. What’s your sexy? That’s what matters!
When you love the body you’re in, it shows!
It's time to bring sexy back.
You will learn how to create the life and body you want.
I help you get fit and lose weight by teaching you how to create new habits, make decisions ahead of time, prioritizing what you need to reach your goal, and coaching you through all the drama that keeps you from doing what you know to do.
What I will teach you is simple and doable on purpose so you can get it done.
You won’t need to deprive yourself or beat yourself up for having a cookie.
You will work out, eat the cookies, and feel damn good about it too.
I’m Cathy Council, Master Certified Life & Weight Loss Mindset Coach
I help women look good naked and get fit for life.
I work one-on-one with women to re-train their mindset around fitness, weight loss, and being healthy so that they look good naked and are fit for life. ⠀
I help women clear the mental roadblocks that prevent them from getting started and staying consistent. I help eliminate all the confusion, noise and chaos that gets in the way of having what you really want.
I partner with my clients to help them reach their fitness goals, recognizing that they are a unique individual. To do this, I create a custom coaching experience to support and inspire women in their fitness and weight loss journey. ⠀

I can help you if...
- You have an open mind and are willing to try a new approach.
- You reliably show up and are willing to do the work.
- You want to lose weight and keep it off.
- If you’re ready to be open and honest (with yourself.)
I can't help you if...
- You are unable to make decisions and don’t want to learn how.
- You not willing to try something new.
- Being on time is a problem for you.
- You’re not ready to be honest (with yourself.)
Ready to take your first step?
If you have an open mind and are willing to try a new approach to losing weight and having the body you love –
I can help you make it happen.